Soulful, sensory-rich, sublimely soothing massage therapy for real, raw human beings. No need to perform goodness, wellness or sanity here. Come as you are. Leave feeling more resourced and whole.

relax and restore your body, mind and soul with soothing massage therapy in Casper, Wyoming


With an attuned, trauma-sensitive approach grounded in neurobiology, we’ll invite those guarded parts of you to relax back and your nervous system to co-regulate, so you can receive comfort and deep restoration.

All healing touch begins with active consent. We go slow, tune into your body’s wisdom, make the slightest shifts, always checking in, “yes” to this, “no” to that. We open to the possibility of safety and rest.

I dance with whatever you’re holding onto, and invite it to flow and release.

I’m for anyone who needs care and holding, but/and I am achingly devoted to the ones who’ve been through hell and keep staying, keep going. The ones with sensitive nervous systems, minds that won’t quiet, hearts that won’t soften; those who can’t stop-won’t-stop, can’t sleep, can’t settle, are touch-starved or touch-averse, heartbroken, recovering, coping with chronic pain and illness, living with depression, anxiety, or C-PTSD, moving through an uneasy life transition, or just struggling to be well in a body and life that sometimes hurts.

Welcome. You exist. You are worthy of care. Your needs matter. You can rest here awhile.

Sara Pryde certified trauma-informed massage therapist Casper, Wyoming

Sara LeeAnn Banevedes-Pryde is a nationally certified massage therapist offering subtle, potent bodywork in multiple modalities including Swedish, Manual Lymphatic Drainage, Hot Stone, Prenatal and Couples massage.

trauma-informed massage therapy offers comfort and care for chronic pain, chronic illness and trauma



I’m for honoring the mess and the mystery. For wayfinding when there is no way. For being with our silent hurts and f* you scars, and letting it all inform a purpose-full life. No parts left out.

I am a companion for your pain and promise.

My life’s work has been creating exquisite, nourishing, artful, cathartic experiences for the restless, hurting, sick-and-tired, haunted, bereft... (if you know, you know).

Everything I do is trauma-informed and grief-responsive. It’s rooted in the principles of peer support and midwifery, and guided by the pragmatic folk spirituality of my ancestors. I use the therapeutic Internal Family Systems (IFS) model to inform my practice.

Listen to my talk on Trauma-Informed Massage Therapy.

Read more about my offerings in the FAQs.

Find more resources and support.

Where do you feel fragile?

What in you is crying out for attention?

What hurts? (
NOT restricted to your body.)

healing touch trauma-informed massage therapy for trauma, C-PTSD, chronic pain, chronic illness, insomnia, surgery, pregnancy
trauma-informed massage therapy healing Push Massage Therapy in Casper, Wyoming


Sara offers entirely personalized trauma-informed massage sessions from a private healing space at Push Massage Therapy in downtown Casper, Wyoming.